Oily skin is when the sebaceous glands in the skin produces excess sebum. Sebum is the oily and waxy substance underneath the pores which keeps skin nourished and hydrated. Every skin type produces sebum. However,  some are blessed with extra sebum production (over active sebaceous glands) which causes oily skin.

You have Oily Skin if …

  • Your face is mostly shinny and appears oily by the end of the day
  • Pores are enlarged usually around nose, forehead and chin
  • Skin is usually rough in texture with large visible pores
  • After a few hours of blotting, skin still looks shinny
  • You have blackheads, zits or acne around the oiler parts of face (oil mixes with dead skin and clogs the pores)

Good news is—Oily skin types tends to have less wrinkles and fine lines (Yay, you age slower than those with drier skin types). That’s something to celebrate!!

Bad news is- you can’t get rid of oily skin but you can take steps to taper off oiliness. Identify the root cause of your oiliness and use the right products for your skin type.

A multitude of things can cause excessive sebum(Oily) production.

  • Genetics (Thank your parents NOT)
  • Climate & location (warmer months and environmental effects)
  • Food (lifestyle choices)
  • Excessive routine (overdoing skincare routine)

As you age, the sebaceous glands produce less sebum and the skin loses protein (collagen). Your skin composition will change throughout your life time. It is important to evaluate your skin every few years to make sure you are using the right skincare products for your skin

Oily Skin Daily Routine (AM & PM)

Use a cleanser 2x a day
Follow with a Toner 2x a day
Exfoliate up to 3x a week
Moisturize daily (AM & PM)
Use Clay masks nightly (or every two nights depending on your needs) to draw out toxins and balance sebum production
Use mists to keep skin balanced and hydrated
Blot skin throughout the day to avoid oil and dirt from sticking to skin


Why it's important to...

Cleansing is a key with oily skin types. Start your day right –impurities, dirt and oil can built up overnight and clog the pores. Cleanse the skin to remove any impurities. Use a gentle cleanser like our (Peppermint charcoal / Cranberry black soap) to avoid stripping the skin- this will only create more oil production.

Oily skin is prone to dead skin buildup, black heads and congested pores. It’s important to exfoliate at least 2-3x a week to remove dead skin, unclog pores and promote healthy cell turnover. Exfoliating also helps even skin tone and reduce the appearance of acne scars and minimize fine lines. Try our (Matcha Moringa cleansing grains) to detox and balance skin.

Toners help remove residual dirt, help clear pores and tighten skin. Use toners to prep the skin to receive and absorb more nutrients. Try our (Juniper Tea Tree or Ylang Ylang Bergamot toners) to detox and balance oil production.

Seal the deal with our nutrient dense botanical distillates for a matte finish. Mists helps seal in moisture and keep the skin soft and hydrated. It can be used throughout the day to help minimize oiliness. Try our (Lavender Mist) for a soothing and balancing hydration.

Lock in all that moisture and nutrients with our light weight serums. Avoid heavy moisturizes which can clog pores and cause more breakouts.

If you are going to be exposed to the SUN, DO NOT FORGET YOUR SUNSCREEN. Sunscreens are vital in protecting the skin from UV damages and premature aging. SPF30 or more depending on your needs.